Saturday, 24 March 2012

Roast Chicken

I know, I know, it's a Saturday and what kind of person has Roast Chicken on a Saturday? Me, that's who. I was actually more thinking of a Club Sandwich while perusing Cupboard Love and having got all the ingredients together I thought it to be a touch wasteful to roast a whole chicken and allowing the whole thing to cool completely, just for the benefit of a sandwich as the book advocates, hence my Saturday roast.
I smear the bird with thyme butter and sprinkle with salt before inserting half a lemon into the cavity. Roast potatoes are mandatory and I make a tasty lemon and thyme infused gravy by deglazing the cooking dish. The chicken is moist and tasty with enough leftovers for those Club Sandwiches later.

Roast chicken & roast potatoes just out of the oven
Roast chicken plated up with gravy

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