Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Roasted Vegetables

I often wonder how vegetarians do without the savoury taste of meat. Maybe one day in the future meat will be too expensive to eat on a regular basis and we'll all be vegetarians, or perhaps the only meat we'll be eating will be synthetic. However until then I'll still be eating meat, which doesn't mean that I don't try to have one vegetarian dinner a week, in fact this is my second this week, this time dinner is Roasted Vegetables. New potatoes, carrots and onions roasted in the oven, how do vegetarians eat this kind of thing everyday? They bury it in grated cheese!

Roasted vegetables with cheese

1 comment:

  1. Recently bought 'Veg Everyday!' by Hugh F-W (that's his exclamation mark, not mine), and it's a winner, even for an affirmed carnivorous beastie like me!
